I hope everyone is doing a good job fulfilling those New Year’s Resolutions you made last month. I haven’t been so successful with mine. I noticed that my suits were getting a little tight so my New Year’s Resolution was to go on a diet. I made a list of what I needed to do, but I’m having a little trouble. The first thing on my list was to remove all the unhealthy (aka cookies, ice cream, cake) food from the house. I did that with no problem. It was delicious. I think I’m just going to buy some bigger suits. I hope you’ve had more luck with your list.

The Valentine’s Dance will be held on Saturday, February 11. The music was supposed to have been provided by the “Bulgarian Bubba Boys,” but they can’t make it because they have a jello “rasslin’” match in Bulgaria. Maybe next year. Luckily, that great duo, Valerie and Fred, will be providing our musical entertainment for the evening. If you haven’t yet heard Val and Fred on a Thursday night at The Columbian Home, this is your chance to see them live. The First Lady and I saw them for the first time last month and were amazed by how talented they are. Make your dinner reservations early and be prepared for a great night out. My wife and I will be there to cut a rug, so stop by to see me and tell me how great my new larger suit looks. Check out this and all our upcoming events on our beautiful website.

And now, a friendly reminder: To come to The Columbian Home for dinner and drinks, you must be a member. You may bring your family and friends along as guests, but they must be with you. Please remember that members are responsible for their guests. Only members can make reservations – the staff will ask for your membership number. In other words, folks, we are a members-only club. Some people have asked if they may come for dinner at The Columbian Home if they are members of other clubs – the answer is no, because we do not have reciprocity with other clubs (for those of you from Emmaus, reciprocity means “exchanging with others for mutual benefit”). Membership applications are always available at the bar – just ask one of our terrific bartenders for one! You must be 21 years of age to join. Happily our membership continues to grow each month.

On a sad note, “Big Al” Mazziotta passed away on January 21. He was 101 years, 1 month, and 5 days old, making him The Columbian Home’s oldest member. His great personality will be missed by all who knew him, and he definitely disproved the adage that only the good die young. Rest in peace, “Big Al.”

Stay warm, and enjoy a lovely Valentine’s Day, As always, I keep you in my prayers.