The political season is upon us, and we are reminded about it everywhere we look. In Irving Stone’s book, Clarence Darrow For the Defense, he writes, “When I was a boy, I was told anybody could become president.” I am beginning to believe it. Just take me, for example. I missed one board meeting, and bam! I’m elected president of the Columbian Home. Speaking of elections, there are four seats on the board coming up for election in May, and, fortunately, Jim Gallagher, Diane Weber-Gallagher, Dianne Mascari and Mike Keenan have graciously decided to run for re-election. We are happy and lucky to have them on our Board of Directors. All five-year active members are eligible to run for a three-year term on the Board of Directors.

The post St. Patrick’s Parade Party was a tremendous success. The beautiful Columbian Home was packed to the limit with the Irish, Italians, Polish, Martians, and anyone else who could dance while holding a beer. A bagpipe band (Celtic United) magically appeared and livened up the dance floor (I think they heard there were freebies.) A most excellent time was had by all, including the 2024 Parade King and Queen, Ken and Susan Walsh!

The Ham Raffle that puts all other Ham Raffles to shame was held on March 23. It was an enormous success, but a little sad because no one won the new Porsche. I guess we will have to bring it back for the Turkey Raffle in November. We raffled off so many prizes that The Price is Right is probably going to sue us. Keep Saturday, November 16 open for the greatest Turkey Raffle the world has ever seen. Fun Fact: Did you know that Ben Franklin wanted the turkey to be our national bird? Yes, he thought the turkey was really beautiful. Until he invented eyeglasses.

Have you played bingo at the beautiful Columbian Home? If not, give it a try some Monday evening – it’s a lot of fun. Look for information in the upcoming weeks. Ladies, don’t forget to bring your husbands, because they love a good bingo game, too.
April 6th is the Karaoke Night you’ve been waiting for. Loosen up your vocal cords and get ready to step up to the mic and have a ball. Bring your children so you can embarrass them. Sing your heart out like nobody is listening, but you know they are. Just tell them to clap when you are finished, and you will buy the next round of adult refreshments.

You have probably noticed all the digging out back of the beautiful Columbian Home. (Before you ask – no, the big hole is not where we bury the members who forgot to pay their dues this year.) It is the start of the addition to our new kitchen. Our hope is to have everything finished by the end of the summer, or when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie – whichever comes first. If, by chance, you have a few million dollars, a few thousand dollars, a few hundred dollars or a few dollars that you could spare to help finance this great endeavor, it would be greatly appreciated. The Columbian Home Family Tree is a fantastic way to help financially while you honor a loved one or commemorate an occasion. The silver leaves are $200, the gold leaves $350, and the green leaves are $500. If this is beyond your reach financially, any amount would be a most welcome contribution.

Stay safe and warm and remember that summer is just around the corner. As always, I keep you in my prayers.

All the best,
Joe Mascari, President