In June the First Lady and I went to St. Louis to visit our daughter, son-in-law, and our fur-ocious grand dog. They were so happy to see us that they gave us the friends and family rate for our stay at their abode (for those of you from Lower Macungie, “abode” means house). They took us out for dinner and drinks to many fine restaurants, but I still missed the beautiful Columbian Home. I thought of a story I made up about two best friends, Jerry and Joe who grew up in the Lehigh Valley but had to move due to employment opportunities – one to Tampa and the other to Pittsburgh. They agreed to meet every ten years to imbibe (for those of you from Northampton, “imbibe” means to drink alcohol) and have dinner. At age 50, they met and decided to go to the Columbian Home because the servers and bartenders are so friendly. At age 60, they again met at the Columbian Home because the food is so great. At age 70, they went to the beautiful Columbian Home because they have a handicap accessible ramp and a beautiful deck for dining. At 80, they decided to go to the Columbian Home because they have never been there before… Don’t be like Jerry and Joe and only visit the Columbian Home occasionally – come often and make great lifetime memories.

The restaurant menu has been expanded and the deck has been clear of snow since last March and is a wonderful space for dining, enjoying a cocktail, watching the birds, or just watching the grass grow. Be sure to welcome our new restaurant server, Sheryl, and greet all our wait staff with a smile and a nice gratuity (for those of you from Catasauqua, “gratuity” means tip).

This month we will be installing a card reader on the deck door, so remember to carry your membership card. Our wait staff and bartenders may ask to see your card from time to time. This is a Pennsylvania LCB regulation. Thank you for your understanding.

Have you noticed the new Skill Game machines in the bar? They are there to make sure you know how to play tic-tac-to. Also, that part of the bar needed some new lighting that didn’t cause your vertigo to act up. Seriously, we hope that the proceeds from these machines will help to pay for some of the necessary expenses it takes to keep the Columbian Home running. We are all feeling the effects of inflation, and the Columbian Home is no exception. Try the machines out – you could be a big winner (up to $10,000). If you are a big winner, I will gladly suggest that you donate the money to a worthy cause, like the Columbian Home Kitchen Improvement Project.

What’s this? You say you never heard of the Columbian Home Kitchen Improvement Project? Well, you will in the near future. Now, I bet you thought I was going to say something stupid, like “Help the Squirrels Find Their Nuts for the Winter,” or “Find the Columbian Home Board of Directors in the Pizza Contest.” No. Upgrading the kitchen is a priority and we are going to need your help in making this a reality. We have listened to you, our members, and plans are being made to improve the size and functionality of our kitchen. The Project is in the beginning stage and we will keep you posted about the plans and progress.

Our Thursday evening entertainment has been great. Remember that you must be a member to attend. Guests are welcome, but they must be with a member the entire time. Please keep telling your friends and neighbors about our wonderful Columbian Home and encourage them to complete an application.

Please enjoy a wonderful and safe July. Happy Independence Day and God Bless America.

As always, I keep you all in my prayers.