The last couple of weeks have been rough for the first lady because I was having prostate problems. Most of you senior gentlemen know what I’m talking about. I have been told that I’m a horrible patient by my “Nurse Ratchet,” aka my wife. I was housebound for 8 days and we are still married. She didn’t even try to kill me once. I went to the doctor for my prostate exam (I’ll spare you the details) and when he left the room, the nurse came in, shut the door, and whispered three words no one wants to hear – “who was that?” Anyway, I survived. The real doctor told me to eat healthy and exercise, but I had lots of time to think while I was recuperating…if walking is good exercise, then mailmen would be immortal. Whales swim and eat fish all day and are still fat. A rabbit runs daily and only lives 15 years, while a tortoise never runs and does basically nothing and lives to be 150. So, this doctor is telling me to eat healthy and exercise? I don’t think so. And this is what runs through my mind when I am stuck at home for a week. Trust your real doctor and get a yearly physical. (Dr. Pepper is NOT a real doctor.) I would like to thank everyone for their prayers and well wishes. They were very much appreciated.

Can you believe I missed the Columbian Home Board of Directors election? I received the news that I was re-elected to the Board while I was recovering, and I want to thank you for your confidence in me. I would like to congratulate Joe Brogan and Ed Barry for their re-election to the Board of Directors and Erma Dantonio for her election to the Board. She will be only the 3rd woman to serve on the Columbian Home Board of Directors. Congratulations, Erma. I know you will be a great asset to the Board.

The members who attended the Country Western Night on Saturday, May 20 had a great evening. Johnny K. was the star of the show and sang songs that even I know most of the words to. I was, however, requested not to sing and just let Johnny do what he does best. The place was full of cowboys and cowgirls dining, dancing, and drinking. Keep an eye on the newsletter for the date of our next Country and Western Night. You don’t want to miss it.

Very soon we will have a card reader installed on the deck door. We have hired a security company to check membership cards at the door, so please have your membership card with you whenever you come to the Columbian Home. If you bring a guest, they must be with you at all times – they must come in with you and leave with you. We have had reports that non-members are coming into the home and that is not permitted. These rules are established by the Pennsylvania LCB, and they may come into the Home at any time and check patrons for membership cards. If we violate the rules, the LCB will impose hefty fines. Please adhere to the rules to keep our expenses down so membership dues don’t go up.

Our wonderful restaurant, Thyme to Dine at Christopher’s, is looking for help. If you know someone who would be interested, call Kathy Krom at 610-432-6333 and leave a message. Both the customers and tips are great!

If you or a member you know is not receiving this monthly President’s Letter via email, there could be a few reasons. First, please check your spam folder. It would be a crime for this wonderful monthly dispatch to be confused with junk mail. If that doesn’t solve the problem, send an email with your name and preferred email address to so we can update our contact list. You could also drop a note off at the Anchor Bar the next time you come to visit. This newsletter is available every month on our fabulous website You should check it often for the weekly menu specials and upcoming events. A few printed copies are available at the Anchor Bar as well.

Remember Father’s Day is June 18th. Why not bring Dad to the Columbian Home for a spectacular brunch and cocktail? Sit on the deck and enjoy reminiscing about times you spent with your father. When we were younger, dads seemed to be so old-fashioned. Why? Because he didn’t know how to work the VCR or set the time on the new clock radio in the kitchen or didn’t know the square root of 17,824 (it’s 133.5065 – those of you who attended DeSales University/Allentown College of St. Francis DeSales already knew that). I remember that when I turned 50, I remarked to my father that the older I got, the smarter he became. He replied, “It took you half a century to figure that out.” I guess it is a whole lot easier to grow older that it is to grow wiser. Happy Father’s Day.

As always, I keep you in my prayers.