My birthday is this month, but I won’t tell you what day because I don’t want you to go all out and buy me expensive gifts. I’m just thinking of you. Really, only you. As I turn 39 again, I’m feeling swift as a gazelle. An old one, with arthritis, but I’m still here to listen to your comments and advice on how to make the beautiful Columbian Home an even better place. Your suggestions and advice must be reasonable and flexible. An old story about the most perfect man on earth (it is not me) comes to mind. He was so good that God wanted to reward him before he died. The perfect man was cycling up the California coast when God appeared to him and said, “Steve S., you have lived an exemplary life, and I would like to reward you while you are still alive. So, whatever you want, I will grant it to you.” The man thought for a moment and then said to God, “I would like you build a bridge from California to Hawaii so that I can ride my bike across the Pacific Ocean from Los Angeles to Honolulu.” God replied, “Well, this would use up many of the world’s natural resources, and this will be a dangerous undertaking, so building this bridge could result in injuries or even death to many people. Are you sure this is what you want?” The most perfect man thought for a moment and said to God, “Well then, could you explain to me how women think?” God replied, “Do you want one or two lanes on that bridge?” Sometimes our decisions are easy and doable, and sometimes the bridge needs another lane. Your suggestions and advice are always welcome.
Our Thursday nights are getting busy, so reservations are still the best way to get a table. If you want to ensure a great evening of dinner and dancing, remember to call and make your reservations each week.
The St. Patrick’s Parade this year is on Sunday, March 23. Come to the beautiful Columbian Home after the Parade to join in the Irish Celebration! We have Irish fare in the kitchen, Celtic beverages at the bar, and our music (with DJ Rob Reilly) is like candy – we throw the rapper away. Come and dance a jig with us.
Karaoke with Alan Newton will be on Saturday, March 8th. Oil up your pipes with a drink or two from the Anchor Bar and take your turn on the mic. The photos of you serenading the crowd will make great gifts for your children and grandchildren next Christmas.
I just had my first UFO experience. I told the First Lady that her cooking was terrible. There were flying saucers everywhere. So, the beautiful Columbian Home’s restaurant is not alien to me or the First Lady. We are regulars! Come and say hello when you see me there (I’m very lonely). The food is great, and the menu varied, and I haven’t seen a flying saucer for a while now. I do love the homemade soups and the crab cakes. Hope to see you there soon.
Do you like to listen to oldies and play bingo? We’ve got both for you! Our first Music Bingo will be held on Saturday, March 29th. Matt Barga will be our host, and you will know all the lyrics. You might even get lucky (shame on you Macungie people. You know I mean win a prize).
Friday night music on the porch is drawing bigger crowds, so we’ve extended the music until 8:00 PM. Make reservations if you want to dine on Fridays.
Looking ahead to next month, our fabulous Ham Raffle will take place on Saturday, April 12 from 2:00 – 5:00 PM. You should have received your tickets in the mail by now, so please send them in or drop them off at the Anchor Bar on your next visit to the beautiful Columbian Home. As always, we promise lots of prizes and fun. Mark your calendars!
Have a wonderful start of spring and remember to set your clock ahead on March 9th. As always, I will keep you in my prayers.
All the best,
Joe Mascari, President