I hope all of you had a wonderful Easter. Our family and a few friends gathered at our home for dinner and also to remind me that my clocks and sundial were not set to daylight savings time. I’m not known for my mechanical ability or fabulous memory. The last time I forgot to change my clocks I missed a Board Meeting and was elected President.

Speaking of meetings, remember that the beautiful Columbian Home is a marvelous place to hold business meetings, birthday parties, anniversary celebrations, wedding receptions, graduation partied, etc. Call for more information. I held my wife’s birthday party at the beautiful Columbian Home and she loved it. I’m not going to tell you how old she is, but when we lit the birthday candles, the Allentown Fire Department responded very promptly.
The fabulous, never-duplicated, star-studded Ham Raffle was another success thanks to your generosity. We netted $3200 – all of which goes directly to local charities. As to be expected, my wife won the car again. That’s the fourth year in a row. I told her that she must be the luckiest woman at the Columbian Home. She told me that luck has nothing to do with it; she just buys loads of tickets, knowing that the money is going to our charities. So, now you know the secret. By the way, the car was from the latest Matchbox collection.

Have you noticed our new roof? If you haven’t, imagine the roof on the Empire State Building. It looks nothing like it. Do take a peek at the roof and see where the money you spend at the beautiful Columbian Home is going. As an added bonus, Joe Brogan has offered to go up on the roof and give guided tours. We would like to thank Steve Selvaggio for his guidance and expertise on the roof project. It was a much-needed improvement. He negotiated such a great price that I only had to sell one kidney. Thank you, Steve.

If you enjoyed our last Country and Western Night with Johnny K., get ready for another one on Saturday, May 20. Make your reservations early so you can secure a table for dinner and dancing. Johnny will be performing the Country songs you know and love, plus some newer ones like “I Won’t Go Hunting With You, Jake, But I’ll Go Chasing Women,” and “She Seemed Like a Nice Gal Until She Took Off Her Wig,” as well as my favorite “You Look Like an Angel But You Snore Like Your Pappy.” Be sure to join us on May 20th for a great evening.

We are installing a card reader on the deck door leading into the dining room. Please remember to bring your membership card with you whenever you come to the Columbian Home. Remember that ONLY members and their guests are permitted in the Columbian Home. This is a state law that must be followed.

The Board of Directors is always looking for new activities and events. Please give your suggestions to any Board Member (if a great idea pops into your head at 3:30 AM, wait until the rooster stops crowing before sharing your thoughts). One member suggested a “Friday Night at the Fights” featuring Kangaroo Boxing. This idea was put on the far back burner due to animal cruelty laws and some members being allergic to kangaroo feathers. Too bad. But keep the good ideas coming, please.

Finally, a reminder that anyone who has been an Active member of the Columbian Home and wishes to run for the Board of Directors must state his/her interest in writing. Each year, there are four positions up for election, and candidates must write a letter of intent in order to be on the ballot. Please send letters to the Columbian Home at 1519 Greenleaf St., Allentown PA 18102. Write “elections” on the envelope and be sure to mail them so they are received before the May 16th Membership meeting. (You may also hand-deliver your letters – the bartenders will gladly take them.) Elections will take place at the May16 Membership meeting.

Have a great month of May, and make sure you honor your mom and your graduates. (Check out the wonderful Mother’s Day Buffet being offered by our very own Kathy Krom and Thyme to Dine – reservations required.)

As always, I will keep you in my prayers.